
Nibiirus but you can call me Nib or Nibii 18 years old infp she/her bisexual cisgirl

LIKES designing characters, drawing my silly ocs, alt fashion (specially gothic, scene, cybergoth, grungy y2k & similar), vampires, Monster High, Doom, Repo! The genetic opera, horror movies, fnaf

DNI Please do not interact if you are a bigot, racist, ableist, transphobic, homophobic, supports (or is) proshippers, p3d0s, z00s, etc. Just don't be a weirdo or a creep and it's fine.I do also request that you don't try to force a friendship or personal talk when we don't know each other. Even if you have good intentions, I feel uncomfortable.

Be aware of this before entering my ToyHouse: my content may sometimes include the following: blood, mild body horror (nothing extreme),scary-ish themes, medical/laboratory themes (needles, scalpels, x-ray themes...) & bright colors. ALL, except for bright colors, unless its taken to an extreme degree, will be put under an appropriate warning!